I think it has finally hit. I miss Malaysia. I miss my mother, I miss my friends, I miss my church, I miss home, I miss familiarity.

But don't get me wrong, I still kinda like being here in Melbourne.

I miss home, though. I think I needed to take time away from Malaysia to truly appreciate it. If I thought I knew what homesickness was, I obviously had no clue. Right now I am hit with a serious intense case, so much so I kinda cried (actually did, not kinda).

All my close friends and family know that I'm not much of a home person and whenever any opportunity rise for me to go away, I would, but I think all I need way a break. I suppose I was in a relationship with Malaysia and all of it and I was just bored and need a refreshment. Never has distance makes the heart grow fonder been so true.

I think among all things I miss my mom most. My teenage self would roll her eyes at that, but honestly I now understand the importance of my mom and her never ending love for me and everyone around her. I spoke to her on the phone earlier with tons of tears streaming down my face saying I miss her and with her few sentences of comfort, I felt so much better. Only my mom can do that. Her words are reliable, her love is without intention. Who, on the earth, can have such pure love besides God? Mothers.

Second on the list for things miss: friends. I miss my three lovely girlfriends of a decade and I miss my church friends of years. I miss you all. I miss mamak sessions and movies, I miss shouting and being crazy in the car, I miss taking a million silly selfies, I miss conversations.

Third in the bucket, I miss my home/house. I miss the idea of home. I miss warmth home-cooked food with family and I miss watching television with family after that dinner. I miss the annoying vacuum noises that woke me up and I miss being bugged to walk the dog. Speaking of which, I miss my dog Lucky. I miss the warmth of my home, both in physical temperature and abstract heart-love wise..if you get what I mean.

Dude, and can you believe it, I actually miss high school.

Yeah, I miss Malaysia. I admit it. I'll be going home for break some time this year or beginning of next. I will, I will. I miss home.


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Notes and lyrics to music are just that- notes and lyrics, until you are implanted into the same situation as those verses and your whole perspective on the song changes. Every word, line, and tune that were once just means to keep you entertained take on a whole new attire. I cannot account the many songs I no longer listen to because of the memories that are bound to it. I can't ignore them forever; sometimes in the car the radio would purr those songs out. And I'm okay with that. But to purposely play those choruses when I'm alone at home and completely vulnerable to my thoughts, I cannot. It's not all bad, though- some tunes stir up wonderful flashbacks and a few others arouse bitter-sweet ones. But there are many songs still pure of any moments and many new ones churned out everyday.

Howbeit, right now, this:  

Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly 
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
Cause I wish you were here

The silence isn't so bad
Til I look at my hands and feel sad
Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

Love, AngelKein

It's Sunday, almost Monday and I feel utterly useless. I've not done anything productive and frankly I don't think I want to, I'm still in the weekend-snooze-mode. I had a little "shoot" at home yesterday but the pictures didn't really turn out the way I've planned in my head which means editing that I refuse to do right now. I get wildly agitated when I don't get things right, especially with art and photography.

"Your first 10,000 photographs are you worst" - Henri Cartier-Bresson
Can't wait to reach my 10,001th picture then.
Love, AngelKein.

ps: have a great week ahead!
  I was bored one night and I couldn't sleep because of over napping 3 hours more than I've planned. Suddenly an idea pop-ed up, "Why not take some pictures?" 

Attended the Sony Nex3 & Nex5 launch yesterday. It was held at Teeq Brassarie, Rooftop Lot 10. But before that, I met up with Yasmine. Got to know her through her blog.


 I'm not good at talking to people I've just met but I've got quite some stuffs in common with Yasmine so it was easy talking to her. I was surprised how hyper and fun she was. :D Haha! We've got to hang out soon, girl!


 Camho is a must. I wore a dress out! Yay! It's really really rare for me to wear any skirt or dress out so yes, a yay is required. Maybe I should wear more dresses. Hahah! Not.


 We were actually at Time Square before Pavillion but Yasmine suggested we eat at Snowflakes. Soo worth it. Like hello, two bowl is equivalent to Starbucks' coffee. Then we headed to Lot10.


 I loved the venue. (: Very stylo-milo. Haha.


But..the place was so daym hot. It was like the aircon was not on. Everyone was sweating. The toilet was much colder. I'm serious!

sony nex

Ze camera.


 There was free photo printing there. :) Love it! But daym I look so fugly.


 With Yasmine and Wai Yan. :( See they're so pretty and I stupidly smiled with my fugly braces.


 With them bloggers. :) That's the only group shot I have for now. I'm gonna steal from them once they've posted it up. Ngegeehe.

 By the way, I've got two weeks of holidays yo! Wooooo! :D Gonna have better posts that my everyday ones.  Rar rar rar! Love, AngelKein.
 If you didn't notice that I changed my layout, you should probably get your eyes checked? It was days and days of searching for the right layout and I kept changing my mind cause it just...wasn't right. But with the help of Ronny I found the right one. and oh, thanks to Dusty for helping me tweak some stuffs, too.

 And if it's your first time here and you don't know how my old layout use to look like. Well here! :D
 Tell me what you think of the new layout? :)

   The reason why I changed my layout today is well, cause I'm officially sixteen! Now you know my age. :)
  Nooo sweet sixteen big birthday bash for me. I think I'm just gonna stay at home and do nothing. Maybe just study and graduate before my 18th birthday! And I don't care! My 18 will be a blast!


  At first I was quite bumbed out about not having any birthday parties or anything then I started asking people how they celebrated their birthday and most of them said they spent it at home with their family.

 Well howdeehoo. Thank you for all your wishes. Seriously, thanks. My heart pounds with joy joy joy. <3<3
 Oh, If you're wondering why I'm wearing a Christmas hat, well it's cause that's the closest thing I have to a birthday hat.

  Okay.So can we move on to my 18th birthday now?

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